July brought:
Pete's birthday--we went to an unexpectedly expensive dinner at Fogo De Chao but it was incredibly fun and good.
Phil and Carrie's 25th Anniversary party--and a trip to LI with a side trip to see the Brooklyn Museum and Children's Museum.
Yoga class--for the family, included stories and we did the animal yoga moves to help tell the story.
Police Concert, the VaHomeschoolers Conference, camping and Busch Gardens and a trip to NC to see g'ma and g'pa--these ran one into the other, in not a great scheduling plan on my part. Got the tickets for the concert in Philadelphia and didn't realize I needed to be in Richmond the following day by 8am. After the conference we went camping for two nights and visited Busch Gardens during the day. I thought there would be more for Katie to do at Busch Gardens, since she doesn't ride roller coasters, but even the thrill rides were too much for her. For Zack, it turned out he was too short for most of the roller coasters. We'll wait a few years before trying that park again.
August (so far) had Pete's band recording, a trip to Atlanta for business for me, a trip to Zurich for Pete, NC for the kids and me, Tucson for me for business again, and a baseball game (the Mets beat the Nats--yay).
Somewhere in there we braved the heat and went to the Folklife Festival in DC.
Sadly, while we were in NC, the squirrels demolished the corn field :-(. Katie was quite upset. The corn had started to sprout and the stalks were at least 3' high. We'll try again next year but it was pretty disappointing.
Here are photos--not in order-

Phil, Carrie and the kids at the 25th party

Katie and Zack digging for fossils at the Folklife Festival in DC

Katie helping out at the puppet show at the VaHomeschoolers Conference

Pete taking the 90 degree drop on Busch Gardens' Griffon ride

Katie and Zack at Busch Gardens

Zack, Kate and a friend put on a show at the Brooklyn Children's Museum
It's been a busy summer. Still didn't get all that I wanted to accomplish done. The heat this year was incredible--good thing the president tells me there's no global warming or I'd be worried by the 105 degree heat wave.
Here's a try at putting a video link on this site--it should take you to YouTube
Here's a bit of Pete on the Griffon
bunnies and birds outside my room in Tucson
(Please note that I have pulled the video of Katie's recital--there were 21 views of the video and that seemed too public and uncontrolled for my taste.)
Off to get the house in order and plan our next adventures.