Zack's latest Bionicle creation

Planting trees in Arlington with church

Pete and Zack planted trees too.
Wasn't it just Halloween?!
I had a busy start to November and now, just as we are getting our schedule back to "normal," the holidays are here and we're all messed up again.
We started the month with a trip to Mt. Vernon with a homeschool group for colonial days. We had just been to Mt. Vernon alone at the end of the summer and had only signed on to this trip because of the extra activities that were listed for colonial days. Sadly, many of those activities didn't end up materializing but it was a gorgeous day out and everyone got along well so it was fun.
Next day, off to Stafford for haircuts by our stylist extraordinaire Selena. Well--I got a real haircut, Katie got a trim and Zack got his shaped for growing it long. She suggested he use styling wax to keep it out of his eyes until it's long enough to tuck behind an ear. I'm not sure he'll put up with it long enough to really grow it out.
I had an event in Tucson and Pete was home to handle the schedule at home, which, I'm told, went fairly smoothly.
One week of normalcy
Scouts, TKD, Nature Class, dance, yoga, art, friends, movies, books, library and all the rest.
Pete accompanied Katie to the Girl Scout dance and she was over the moon to dance with daddy.
One icky thing--the next day, Katie was the only one from her troop to go to a Hip Hop workshop. She was teamed with other girls her age and overheard them call her weird. I think I was more sad and angry than she was. She seems to take these things in stride and reports having had a good time overall. I'm hoping that speaks to her feeling good about herself and not looking for validation from everyone else. That would be nice.
And here we are, three days from Thanksgiving. We'll head to Mom and Dad's in NC on Tuesday night and stay through the weekend. It will be nice to see dad, who is feeling more himself after surgery. I saw him in the hospital but Pete and the kids have been anxious to see him F2F.
The absolute best thing about November has been having Pete home and I will miss him being around 24/7 when he starts work again next month. He has been his old self again and has been getting some much-needed relaxation and time with us.
So much to be grateful for in the past year. And so much to look forward to in the year to come. Enjoy the Turkey and whoever you're with.