Monday, July 10, 2006


Everyone I know with a blog or personal Web site puts pictures of their kids on it, so I'm beginning to think that I'm being paranoid for no reason.

You may, or may not, have noticed that I never show the kids' faces on this site. I don't really know why. It just made me feel uneasy somehow.

But it would be an easy way for friends and family to see new snaps of them, and, really, who else is coming here anyway?

So, I'm looking for comments on why or why not to include pictures of Katie and Zack.

I'm told you no longer need to register in order to leave a comment but let me know if you encounter any problems.

Oh yes--I also have a counter on the site now. It will put a dot on the world map to show where you are. So, if you're ever in a far-flung place, check out my site and make the map more interesting ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


As far as I can reason, the only time pictures are dangerous is when/if whatever creepy person is looking has access to the kids. With that said, creepy people can look at our kids all the time! Ugh! Vigilance in keeping the creepy people far, far away is more important to me than worrying about cyber creeps - at least until the kids are old enough to correspond without my knowledge. That's when we open an entirely new can of worms. Double ugh!
