We arrived Saturday morning and went straight to Julie's. Katie and Ruby are pen pals and were looking forward to a F2F visit. Zack played with Zane's toys but wasn't especially good at playing with Zane :-( Unlike Katie, Zack doesn't have much patience for younger children.) So, eventually, Julie and I helped Zane make delicious brownies.
Once with their grandparents, the kids went on a whirlwind tour of Boston. They visited the NE Aquarium, the Harvard Natural History Museum, the Mapparium, the Mayflower and the Museum of Science. They also got to visit with Aunt Rosette, Aunt Christine and Uncle Bruce.
They received digital cameras and made a lot of movies about their trip and took a few pictures. And went through a lot of batteries!
Julie and I got some grown up time together as John had Ruby and Zane on Saturday and we dropped off Katie and Zack in Wellesley. We went to a former colleague's restaurant, Alia, and had a wonderful meal, got to see pictures of their beautiful new baby girl and had a chance to catch up.
A highschool friend of Julie's joined us on Sunday and we had a great brunch and fun talking together. It was nice to have dinner with Ruby and Zane and then Julie and I ran out to a meeting leaving a babysitter to put the kids to bed.
Monday, I stayed out of the way as best I could during the morning rush and had a nice day of doing a whole lot of nothing. I don't miss Boston at all, even less than I had imagined and didn't have any desire to head into the city to reminisce. I met up with Bruce and Christine for dinner and it was nice to relax with them in their great home, head out for some of the best Mexican food I've ever had in Boston and to meet their adorable kitty, Mina. I even got Christine's recipe for Guacamole--yum!
Tuesday I had business meetings in the afternoon and hit the nearby New Balance Outlet afterwards where I scored new sneakers for $10, leaving me enough money to also buy skorts and a top. Nice!
Then it was over to Wellesley on Wednesday (10/22) to pick up the kids, say goodbye and thank you to Gma and Gpa and catch a flight home to Pete who we missed a lot. I really don't enjoy Boston as a city without Pete. He still has places he likes to go back to and I enjoy his enjoyment being back on native soil.
Good to be home and back to the "regular" routine, which last week included Zack's TKD belt test (he's now a black stripe), their UUCA sex education class--which brought up several hard to answer questions and a look at a real condom (!)--a wedding, and Boo at the Zoo--our last, I think. We also started in on our new math curriculum, Teaching Textbooks. I don't think it's as challenging as Math U See but they are doing it willingly every day and it's nice for it not to be a misery for the moment.
This week, Pete is working on the church auction, we will carve pumpkins today, and tomorrow is Halloween! I'll be working the polls for the election. Fall weather is in full swing but for the most part it is sunny and crisp, my favorite fall days.
Tell us about your adventures or at least who you are and how you found our little blog here. I see a lot of dots on our map in exotic places. Who's there?