In other news, what have we been up to?
Since Niagara Falls, we've started Scouts, tried a class at the Nature Center in Riverbend Park, which turned out to be too basic to bother making the 30 min trip each week. I started Yoga again and Katie and Zack are now old enough to swim in the pool on their own while I take my class. Zack is still in TKD and Katie started the next level of her ice skating lessons.
We took a short trip to see Gma and Gpa in NC. There was only one warm enough day for the beach, but it was nice. I wrote a proposal while the kids were busy and also made a short trip to Fayetteville to see Heatherann, recently returned from deployment in Iraq.
This past weekend, Pete and Zack spent Saturday night camping with the Boy Scouts, who do fall camping in tents and hour away. Next weekend, Katie and I will be "camping" with the Girl Scouts in a civilized lodge setting, 20 minutes away. The girls (well, the leaders anyway) don't do tents until the much warmer spring.
The following two weekends, the kids and I will head to Boston, where they will visit with Gma and Gpa and I'll get some time with Julie and the WGBH crew.
Then there's a wedding and, ofcourse, Halloween. And there goes October!
The leaves aren't quite turning here, but I hope to see some color up north and am happy for the cooler, mosquito-free, days we're having.
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