Every weekend this month has been booked with something. Every. Weekend.
I feel like I am going to explode if I don't get some down time. The clutter in the house is making my head cluttered and I can't wait until we are back from Boston on Monday and I can get cracking on some projects.
So. what have we been doing....
The first weekend of the month, our dishwasher died and we spent the weekend researching new ones. We ended up with a Bosch and so far really like it.
I started working on a project in late February and the event was this month. So, we fell out of site for most of April and the start of May. This year the event was in Baltimore. I didn't need to travel but I sent the kids to my mom's to spend the week. Sadly, it rained most of the time they were there so they didn't get much beach time. They did get
plenty of TV time.
My folks were good enough to come get the kids the second weekend in May. So that weekend (Mother's Day) we hosted my folks. We drove to Woodbridge for brunch on Sunday and then they headed south with the kids and Pete and I headed north.
I worked Mon-Wed, was sick as a dog and slept all day Thursday, and Friday headed down to NC to hang with the folks and pick up the kids. Happily, it was nice on Sunday and Monday and we spent the mornings at the beach. One day, a large turtle crossed a neighbor's driveway and we all went to take a look. Katie tried to feed it some lettuce but it was more interested in getting away than eating.

At the beach
Katie tries to feed a turtle
Back home on Tuesday.
That gave me a couple of days to prepare for Katie and Zack's 11th birthday on Friday. Katie's GS troop was taking a camping trip Fri-Sun, but at the last minute she decided she didn't want to sleep in a tent on her birthday, so we delayed going until Saturday morning. It was a gorgeous day and I had been tasked with leading the girls in a hike to do some badge work. We had a great time, made even nicer by the fact that the camp is only 25 minutes from my house. I left that evening to go home and sleep in my own bed!
Girl Scouts has been a pretty bad experience this year for Katie. No program and no real leadership. Mostly a lot of girls from age 6-13 running around for two hours. Katie was refusing to go to meetings and almost decided against the camping trip. However, the trip was much more organized (thanks Brenda and Chris!) and Katie had a great time. We were looking at other troops but will now keep this one in the mix and wait to see who leads next year before deciding. It's nice to have choices though.
Camping Katie
In the meantime, Zack is making noises about quitting Boy Scouts. That's fine, but he liked Cub Scouts a lot and seemed excited about being a Boy Scout. He's also not being very specific about why he wants to quit. I called a friend who is one of the asst. leaders to check-in about how things were going--to see if there was teasing, or other signs that things were getting unpleasant. So far no reports of that kind of issue.
We told Zack he needs to go to BS camp (it's paid for already and he earned half the fee by selling so much popcorn) and then he could decide about scouts for next season. He did skip the canoe trip planned for his birthday weekend, which I think was disappointing to Pete!
The kids' birthday was nice. We let Katie pierce her ears and Pete was able to meet us after work to be there for the big event. This was two years earlier than she expected--I always told her she could get them done at 13--but she's been taking very good care of the brace on her teeth, so I felt she could take care that the holes didn't get infected.
Just pierced!
Zack wanted a low-key birthday celebration, so just had two friends over for burgers and dogs and a sleepover. Katie didn't plan anything because of the camp out. The boys went to to play Laser tag the next day--I'm always tied up when there's a chance to play and I never get to go with them :-(
Checking out some of the new Heroscape castle set
And here we are, just heading into the last weekend of May, packing to go to Boston. My in-laws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary (wow!) and are having a big party. Should be a nice event but wish I wasn't so sick of traveling! We also need to fly :-p -- not my favorite thing.
In June, I hope to get some projects done, take some hikes and hang around and do some nothing. It would be nice if the rain moved on for a while too...