Saturday, March 01, 2008


I had a comment yesterday on a post I did about homeschooling at Disney. I just think it's so funny that the commenter is "sad" for me. I'm not sad that he or she chose to stop reading and move on to read folks they do agree with. I guess they were mistaking this blog for a travel advice service (where I wouldn't expect to hear personal opinions about other subjects either). Or they are one of the many who believe they have a right to never be offended.

However, I do feel I should take responsibility to say that this site did start out as fully about what we were doing around homeschooling. Mostly to relieve my anxiety that family and friends would believe we sat around all day doing nothing.

It has changed to include whatever I'm feeling or want to talk about, such as our planned RV trip, things that piss me off, child rearing, things I find funny or interesting and, yes, a lot about homeschooling, since it is at the core of many of the things we do as a family.

I wish Anonymous had said how they found the blog, since I don't get a lot of feedback on that. But, I assume they have moved on to safe places where they will only see safe subjects taken one at a time. Okay by me.

I may not like the current administration, but I love living in a country where we don't all have to agree, or pretend to agree, with each other. I'm hoping the damage to the protections in the constitution can be mended with the next administration before we lose that right.

I hope more people will comment. But don't be "sad" for me (feel free to be honest about your anger, offense, or disagreement though, since that's far more honest). And if you don't like what you see here, I invite you to find one of the many blogs out there that will be more appealing to you. Feel free not to invite me back onto your screen. I'll be all right without you. ;-)

1 comment:

Julie M. Baker said...

I feel like just linking to your blog to respond to an angry, Anomymous Size O who commented on my blog this morning. You were very eloquent in your response. I do feel bad since, as the commentor states, making fun of someone who's skinny is no better than making fun of someone who is fat, but I still maintain that 0 should not be a size for grown women!!!!! And anyone who doesn't like run-of-the-mill anti-Bush comments (or anti-Hillary or anti-Obamoa) appearing on an individual's blog should throw their computer away immediately and pull the stick out of their butt.